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As 2016 draws to a close and we begin to think about the year ahead, it's important we think about the internal platform from which we launch our new years intentions.

A well grounded inner self is the corner stone for creating the intentions that give shape to the life you desire.

It has often been said that we become the average of the 5 people to whom we are the closest, however in my view, it is actually less about the people around you, and more about the person within you, and the emotions that the inner self most associates with, that make the real difference.

As I write this today, my internal self is blessed with Acceptance, Self-love, Compassion and Courage. These emotions are so integral to my being that not a moment goes by that my closest 'friends' do not help me navigate this journey called life.

It hasn't always been this way, only a few short years ago my inner self was ruled by the less than friendly 'self-doubt', 'fear', 'resistance' and 'confusion'. However, as I began to emerge from a scorching bout of professional burnout, and started examining the life I desired, it became obvious that these 'old friends' were in fact the number one barriers to letting go of the old, and allowing my inner brilliance to shine. It was at that point that I understood that I needed a whole new inner circle of 'friends' , friends who would guide me on my new path with love, understanding, and care.

The more I began to operate from my heart, discovering my true purpose I began to note that HOPE was making an increasingly frequent appearance in my life. And the more I saw of HOPE the more I realised that more than any other emotion she is THE best friend you can ever hope to have.


Because HOPE is the gentle, yet omnipresent force within, that reminds you of the progress you have already made, and even more importantly that tomorrow brings a new day, full of endless possibility and potential.

HOPE is that soft, encouraging voice within, whispering 'don't give up, you are right where you need to be on this journey'.

HOPE is the anticipation that vibrates through your very core signalling that the goal is within reach.

And lastly, hope is the fire that fuels your drive towards a bigger, and better, version of yourself, providing a grander backdrop to your highest intention.

I am blessed that HOPE has now taken up permanent residence in my heart together with her power posse; Acceptance, Self-love, Compassion and Courage.

Together they form the fabric of my daily existence, and provide the kind of inner platform from which I can operate at my highest level of brilliance. Working in balance they help me be the best version of myself every day, serving authentically, and with the impact that I desire.

Acceptance - reminds me that the biggest breakthroughs can only be achieved when I surrender my expectations of myself, and operate from a place of trust.

Self-love - reminds me to show kindness towards my self, and to truly value myself, as I would have others value me.

Compassion - for the self is an inexplicably humbling act and one that allows us to travel our path with grace.

Courage – the strongest, and most powerful of my new friends, courage ensures that I continue to follow my heart even when the path is littered with a veritable forest of obstacles, and inspiration has long faded.

HOPE is an integral part of my desire to help each of you find and release your inner brilliance and live your biggest lives regardless of the shape or form that takes for you.

But above all my desire for you in 2017 is that you too can experience the wonder of HOPE, to embrace her as not just a sometime acquaintance, but the one friend who never allows you to forget your dreams and give up on your own desires.

To your brilliance.

Deidre Dattoli

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