It is truly a shame that wellness has become a buzzword.
We’re bombarded with images of luxurious spa days, green juices, and fleeting moments of self-care.
But while these moments can be refreshing and truly helpful towards enriching wellness, they only scratch the surface of what it truly means to be well.
The more I explore this topic myself, the more I realise that…
True wellness isn’t about something we do once a month; it’s about embracing a holistic, multi-dimensional approach that sustains us in every aspect of our lives.
That’s why today I wanted to share with you the idea of Expanded Wellness.
Expanded Wellness invites us to explore the intricate tapestry of our being, recognising that each different area of wellness plays a vital role in our overall well-being and creating an extraordinary life. It’s about seeing wellness not just as a luxury, but as a foundational resource—a form of currency that fuels our ability to live fully and pursue our passions with energy, enthusiasm, and aliveness.
When we focus on just one aspect of wellness, like physical health, we miss the broader picture and more complex elements that influence our physical health and life results. True wellness encompasses much more, including emotional, mental, spiritual, and even financial wellness. Each of these areas is interconnected, and by nurturing them all, we can create a vibrant, thriving life.
So what are some areas of wellness that we may or may not consider in our current wellness practices?
Physical Wellness: This is often the first dimension we think of when we talk about wellness. It includes everything from the health of our bodies to the vitality of our energy levels. But physical wellness goes beyond just being well enough to get out of bed in the morning; it’s about thriving, having the energy to engage with life fully, and feeling strong and vibrant in our day-to-day activities. Physical wellness is intrinsically connected with our emotional, mental and other dimensions of wellness.
Emotional Wellness: How we feel deeply impacts our overall well-being. Emotions affect our chemistry and, therefore, our health, plus our vibrational energy, our behaviour, and our responses, which all influence our life results. Emotional wellness involves being in tune with our feelings, understanding them, and being able to engage with, process and express them in healthy ways. It’s about cultivating resilience and finding joy in the simple moments of life.
Mental Wellness: Our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions shape our reality. Mental wellness is about nurturing a healthy mindset and consciousness, challenging limiting beliefs, and embracing a perspective that supports our growth, happiness, physical health and all the dimensions of wellness.
Spiritual Wellness: This dimension involves connecting with our spiritual nature and something greater than ourselves, whether through faith, nature, or a sense of purpose. Spiritual wellness helps us find meaning in life, see the bigger picture, and foster a sense of peace, connection, and trust in ourselves and in life.
Relational Wellness: Our relationships with others are a vital part of our well-being. Relational wellness includes our connections with friends, family, and community. It’s about fostering healthy relationships, effective communication, and a sense of belonging. This dimension of wellness both influences and is influenced by our physical and other dimensions of wellness. It also shapes how we relate to ourselves, others, and life, enhancing our social connections and contributing to a more fulfilling life experience.

Environmental Wellness is multi-dimensional, encompassing both our inner-personal environment and the outer environments that influence it. The environments we live and work in, including our physical surroundings and the emotional spaces we create, significantly impact our overall wellness. By expanding wellness and vitality in all dimensions, we enhance our ability to contribute effectively to the various environments of our lives. Environmental wellness is about cultivating spaces that nourish us and being mindful of the energy we bring into them.
Professional Wellness: Fulfilment in our careers plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Professional wellness involves finding purpose in our work, feeling valued, and integrating our professional and personal lives in a way that supports both. Fulfilment significantly influences our life force energy and sense of aliveness and completeness, which ripple to all other dimensions of wellness.
Financial Wellness: Our relationship with money can significantly impact our stress levels and overall well-being. Financial wellness is about feeling secure in our financial situation and managing our resources in a way that supports our life goals, physical wellness, and all other dimensions of wellness.
What changes once we start viewing wellness in this expanded and holistic way?
Expanded Wellness is not a destination but a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth. It’s about making conscious choices that nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits.
By embracing the multiple dimensions of wellness, we can tap into a deep well of vitality and un-lock transformative keys to create a life that’s not just lived but truly cherished.
When we expand our view of wellness, we open ourselves up to a life of true vitality, aliveness, and legacy.